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孟加拉塔卡是孟加拉国流通货币,辅币派沙,一般称为波依夏,1塔卡=100波依夏;目前与人民币的汇率是1孟加拉塔卡=0.07544531人民币。此纸币正面主图为第一任孟加拉国总统谢赫·穆吉布·拉赫曼(1920-1975);背面主图是位于孟加拉首都达卡的语言烈士纪念碑;此纪念碑是为了纪念在1952年2月21日为争取使用本民族语言的权利而做出牺牲的烈士而造;联合国教科文组织于1999年将每年2月21日确定为“国际母语日”,旨在促进语言和文化的多样性以及多语种化。Bangladesh, the full name of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia. It is called "the hometown of Shui Ze" and "the country of Hetang". It has a land area of 147,570 square kilometers and a population of 164.7 million (2017). President abdulla hameed. Dhaka, the capital, is the city of mosques, with more than 800 mosques.

Bangladesh is one of the ancient nations in the South Asian subcontinent. There was already a unified feudal country in the 9th century. At the end of the 12th century, it became the territory of the Sultanate of Delhi. The Sultanate of Bangladesh was established in 1338 with its capital in Dhaka. In 1757, Bangladesh was reduced to a province of British India. After partition of india in 1947, it Belong to Pakistan and was called East Pakistan. 1971 Independence from Pakistan. On October 4, 1975, China and Bangladesh formally established diplomatic relations. The two countries have basically the same views on a series of major international and regional issues and cooperate closely in international affairs. Bangladesh has always been an important customer in China's foreign military trade system.

Bangladeshi taka is the currency in circulation in Bangladesh. the minor currency is pasha, commonly known as poyisha. 1 taka =100 poyisha.The current exchange rate with RMB is 1 Bangladesh taka =0.07544531 RMB. The front main picture of this banknote is the first Bangladeshi President sheikh mujibur rahman (1920-1975). The main picture on the back is a monument to the language martyrs in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh. This monument was built to commemorate the martyrs who sacrificed their lives on February 21, 1952 for the right to use their own language. UNESCO designated February 21 as "International Mother Language Day" in 1999 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

孟加拉国2015版2塔卡纸币十连号Bangladesh2015version 2 Taka

孟加拉国2015版2塔卡纸币十连号Bangladesh2015version 2 Taka

孟加拉国2015版2塔卡纸币十连号Bangladesh2015version 2 Taka

孟加拉国2015版2塔卡纸币十连号Bangladesh2015version 2 Taka

孟加拉国2015版2塔卡纸币十连号Bangladesh2015version 2 Taka

孟加拉国2015版2塔卡纸币十连号Bangladesh2015version 2 Taka

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